You know the feeling. That drawer in your kitchen that accumulates more and more stuff, making it harder to ever find what you’re actually looking for. A schedule so frenzied it’s increasingly difficult to be actually present anywhere. A life so full of noise, you can hardly hear yourself think - much less what God may be trying to say to you.
We know the feeling, too.
It happens to all of us. In the midst of all of those deadlines, diapers, and demands on our time and energy, we become dulled to God’s voice in our lives.
It’s why we want to help you do less over 40 days in order to experience more of God’s power in your life. Less is More - a 40 day season of focused prayer and fasting. We’ll be giving up things like convenience and control to attend more carefully to God’s voice in our lives.
We want to invite you to join us for a Reset Service as Bridgeway KC, Cross Points Church & Park City Church kick off this season of prayer and fasting. Wed, Mar 6 at 7p, we want to invite you to come and reset.